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Mr. Bennett is a community field coordinator in the middle school at BGA. He attended Salem State University where he studied Communications with a minor in Graphic Design. Mr. Bennett enjoys playing chess, sports, and exercises in his spare time. email

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Vanessa Brea,指导顾问

Brea 女士是中学生(6-8 岁)的学校辅导员。她就读于麻省大学波士顿分校,获得教育学硕士学位,主修学校辅导。她还就读于伊曼纽尔学院,学习心理学和社会学。闲暇时,她喜欢旅行和与家人共度时光。


我叫 Briea McDaniels,来自马萨诸塞州多切斯特,毕业于塞勒姆州立大学。我目前是 BGA 中学的学生主任之一。我在波士顿公立学校工作了 7 年,但在波士顿市工作了 17 年。在加入 BPS 之前,我曾在波士顿青年和家庭中心担任街头工作者。我很享受在学校系统工作的岁月,因为我继续激励和鼓励我们的学生在学业和个人方面取得进步。电子邮件

Gonsalves 先生是 BGA 的学生支持服务主任。加入我们之前,他曾担任位于罗克斯伯里的波士顿日间和夜间学院的学生支持主任。他拥有波士顿学院社会工作学院的社会工作硕士学位。2000 年,他与他人共同创建了一个名为 MORE(男性、有组织、负责任和受过教育)的有色人种青年辅导计划,目前是 BGA 该计划的联合负责人。他喜欢旅行、徒步旅行、骑自行车、看电影、听音乐、打高尔夫球、观看体育比赛、与家人共度时光并探索其他文化。电子邮件


Loving 先生是波士顿格林学院的创始成员之一。Loving 先生最初是波士顿格林学院多学科项目的助理教师,后来转型担任社区协调员。担任该职位时,Regi 为学生和教师提供有关行为管理问题、纪律问题的支持,并担任许多学生的导师。不在学校时,Loving 先生总是忙个不停;他喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光,并通过听各种音乐来放松身心。电子邮件

凯尔顿女士是波士顿绿色学院的创始社工。作为学生支持顾问,凯尔顿女士支持学生的社交情感需求,并与家庭和社区服务提供者密切合作,确保每个学生都有一个支持网络来帮助他们取得学业成功。在加入波士顿绿色学院之前,凯尔顿女士在波士顿市担任社工超过 10 年。凯尔顿女士在玛丽华盛顿学院获得社会学和西班牙语学士学位,在塞勒姆州立学院获得社会工作硕士学位。

Jacqueline Sims grew up in Boston,  and attended Boston Public Schools. She received an Associates Degree. from Burdett College. Mrs. Sims has worked for BPS for over 20 years, starting as a Security Para and later transferring to Boston School Police where she worked for 7 years in various Middle and High Schools. Mrs. Sims has worked at Monument High (Southie), and at Excel HS as a Community Field Coordinator before going green in 2014 and joining BGA,  She currently works as a CFC for the 9th & 10th grades.

Jodi Then 是波士顿绿色学院的高中辅导员。在加入波士顿绿色学院之前,Then 女士曾在一家专门从事大学入学和经济援助的非营利组织工作了 15 年。除了为学生和家长提供大学录取、经济援助和学生贷款方面的咨询外,Then 女士还负责培训内部和外部合作伙伴,包括其他高中和非营利组织。她还曾担任波士顿公立学校区和大学咨询部的顾问,制定课程以帮助学生从高中过渡到大学,并与学区领导合作开展大学入学和经济援助计划。电子邮件


Nurse B has been working for the Boston Public Schools since 2011. She have worked in long term care, clinical instruction for UMass Boston Nursing program and a summer camp nurse all over New England for various camps. Nurse B attended UMass Boston, where she received her degree in Nursing (BSN)  and for her Masters at Salem State University (MSN). In her spare time, Nurse B loves spending time with family, being around nature, cooking new foods and trying new recipes. She also plays on a women’s flag football team and fascinated by all things science. email

Jeff Becker is the Assistant Headmaster for Boston Green Academy. Mr. Becker has been at BGA for 5 years after spending the previous two years in the Office of Legal Advisor for the Boston Public Schools as an Assistant Corporation Counsel. Prior to that, Mr. Becker spent fourteen years as an administrator, teacher and coach at a high school in Newton, MA. Jeff earned his BA in Political Science and History from Boston College and his JD from Suffolk University Law School. When not working, he is spending time with his fabulous wife and three energetic children.

Kelly Cotton, School Psychologist

Ms. Cotton is a School Psychologist and has been working in BPS ins 2006 and at BGA since September 2014. She studied education and Psychology at Westfield State College and School Psychology at UMass Boston. In her spare time, Ms. Cotton enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and cooking.


Heney 女士于 2014 年加入 BGA,是 BGA 各年级接受特殊教育服务学生的社工。加入 BGA 之前,Heney 女士曾担任 JP COMPASS 学校初中和高中项目的临床协调员,之后担任 JP English High School COMPASS 强化支持项目主任。Heney 女士还在咨询和干预中心为就读于各 BPS 中学的学生开设了暑期项目,为期数年。Heney 女士还在 Riverside Community Care 兼职担任危机临床医生 4 年。她毕业于东北大学,获得心理学学位,之后搬到俄勒冈州,后来就读于俄勒冈大学,获得咨询心理学硕士学位。电子邮件

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