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BGA 历史和愿景

波士顿绿色学院是一个特别的地方,是一所 Horace Mann 的“学区内”特许学校,是波士顿公立学校的骄傲成员。波士顿绿色学院由一群波士顿教育工作者和社区成员于 2011 年创立,是波士顿唯一一所专注于可持续发展并为大学和绿色职业培养下一代多元化领导者的学校。

波士顿公立学校要求 BGA 扭转一所陷入困境的高中的局面,BGA 成功“重启”了南波士顿的奥德赛高中,并在三年内成为波士顿公立学校中进步最大的高中,也是全州进步最大的高中之一。2014 年,BGA 搬到了布莱顿历史悠久的塔夫脱大楼,并开始扩建,从 6 年级开始,将中学纳入其中。2017 年,BGA 实现了我们的目标,成为一所面向 6-12 年级的全日制学校,为来自波士顿各个社区和背景的大约 500 名学生提供服务。BGA 继续成为波士顿公立学校中进步最大、创新性最强的学校之一。

BGA 开幕日 2011.jpg

In our original charter application and in our subsequent work over the year, BGA’s core beliefs and aspirations have come to guide our work:

  • High Expectations with High Support  Rigorous, relevant, college and career-preparatory teaching and learning are the center of our school for all students. We value intellectual curiosity and growth and provide curriculum, instruction, and opportunities that support it.

  • A Green School is Necessary Our world faces dire and complex challenges. To make our communities and world more sustainable, we strive to be a model green school that deliberately prepares our diverse and talented students to be leaders in the innovative green sector in Boston and beyond.

  • Fenway High School as Strong Foundation The Fenway High School model serves all students well, particularly diverse students. Fenway’s core ideas helped to build BGA’s foundation and continue to guide and influence our growth and development, even as we have developed our own identity and unique path forward.

  • Become a Model 6-12 School  To effectively serve the students of Boston, we support them as early as possible to increase their opportunities and outcomes. BGA works hard to be a model 6-12 school that helps students move upward from structured, developmentally appropriate middle school experiences towards gradual empowerment and independence in high school and beyond.

  • Diversity Matters  Our school is committed to serving and empowering a diverse population, including Students with Disabilities, English-Language Learners of all languages, and at-risk students. We recruit, enroll, retain and graduate a student population that represents the mosaic of the City of Boston and we support our young people’s right to cultural and individual expression.

  • Relationships Drive Engagement When our students trust our staff, we are able to serve them well. BGA is a welcoming place that supports the social-emotional development of our students. Through Advisory, Project Week, Restorative Justice, positive school culture and small classes, our students and staff develop strong bonds that strengthen our community.

  • Serve the Whole Student To serve students effectively, we are committed to being a trauma-sensitive school that provides social-emotional supports to all students, particularly those who struggle. We invest in a strong Student Support Team and resources for students and staff to help us serve our population effectively.

BGA has made tremendous progress since our founding in 2011, but we still have more work to do. Thanks to the committed work of our students, families, staff and partners, our school continues to grow and thrive. We invite you to learn more about our work and support our special school in any way you are able.

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