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Boston Green Academy is easily accessible by multiple means (including public transportation, which is the greenest way to go!).
B 线火车:乘火车到 Warren Street 站,右转进入 Warren Street 步行两个街区。BGA 就在您右手边 Warren St. 和 Cambridge St. 的街角(Brighton High School 和 St. Elizabeth's Hospital 对面)。具体火车时刻表请查询MBTA 网站。
马萨诸塞州湾交通管理局 (MBTA) 巴士
从肯莫尔出发乘坐 57 和 57A 路车。停靠在学校门前。
从达德利乘坐 66 路公交车到布莱顿大道 (Brighton Ave),然后乘坐 57 路公交车,该路公交车在剑桥街的 BGA 停靠。
501 或 503 通勤特快巴士。两趟巴士仅在早上(6:00-9:00)和晚上(3:30-7:30)运行。501 往返于 Downtown Crossing,而 503 往返于 Copley Square。这些巴士经过 Mass Pike,大约需要 22 分钟。
有关具体巴士时刻表,请查阅MBTA 网站。
Parking spots are limited in the BGA parking lot. On-street parking is readily available surrounding the building and does not require a permit in most spots.
If you are a student and need access to a practice preloaded T-Pass, please contact Mr. Cabrera (Family Liaison) at