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Eileen Shakespear - Associate for Teacher Development and Collaboration
(She, Her, Hers)

Eileen Sullivan Shakespear is currently Associate for Staff Support at Boston Green Academy. In this role, she helps BGA teachers to think more deeply about the craft of their work and to examine and improve their practice. Though no longer teaching full time, she still loves the vitality, the human variety, beauty, and spunky spirit of city people and city schools. Prior to BGA, Ms. Shakespear taught English and Humanities in the Boston Public Schools for thirty-five years, the last 25 at Fenway High School where she initiated and directed Project Week and co-built the site based Urban Teacher Training Collaborative at Fenway/Boston Arts Academy with Tufts University. From 2011 to 2016, Ms. Shakespear also worked as district/union coach for the Washington based National Education Association, Institute for Teaching and Learning, where she coached educator teams working on innovation projects. Ms. Shakespear has an undergraduate degree in English from Boston College and a master’s degree in Education from the University of London, Institute of Education. She is also a National Board Certified Teacher. When she is not working, Ms. Shakespear swims, cooks, does coffee shop research, talks, argues and laughs with friends and family, reads good books, and enjoys great food and travel. 


Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (phone)

617-635-9858 (fax)

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Boston Green Academy's National Green Ribbon School award from the U.S. Dept. of Education acknowledges our whole-school green & sustainable practices.

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