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Mary Heney, SPED Social Worker

Ms. Heney is the Social Worker for students in all grade levels who receive special education services at BGA.  Ms. Heney has been at BGA since September of 2014 and loves working with BGA staff, students and partners. Prior to BGA, Ms. Heney worked at COMPASS for many years, as Clinical Coordinator for the Middle and High School programs at the COMPASS school in JP and most recently as the Director of the COMPASS Intensive Support Program at The English High School in JP.  Ms. Heney also ran a summer program at the Counseling and Intervention Center for students attending various BPS middle schools for several summers. Ms. Heney also worked part time as a crisis clinician for Riverside Community Care for 4 years. Ms. Heney graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in psychology and then moved to Oregon, where she later attended the University of Oregon, receiving her Master’s degree in counseling psychology.  When not working, Ms. Heney enjoys watching movies, listening to music,  reading, taking zumba and yoga classes, watching her son play lacrosse and spending time with family, friends and her beloved dog. Get in touch here

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (phone)

617-635-9858 (fax)

For more information, get in touch
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Học viện Boston Green chào đón các sinh viên đa dạng về mọi khả năng, giáo dục và trao quyền cho họ thành công trong đại học và nghề nghiệp, và chuẩn bị cho họ dẫn đầu trong sự bền vững của cộng đồng và thế giới của chúng ta.

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Giải thưởng Green Ribbon School quốc gia của BGA từ Bộ Giáo dục Hoa Kỳ cho các hoạt động bền vững và xanh toàn trường của chúng tôi.

Boston Green Academy's National Green Ribbon School award from the U.S. Dept. of Education acknowledges our whole-school green & sustainable practices.

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