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Boston Green Academy provides a number of opportunities for students to be healthy and active from varsity sports, to intramural programming to comprehensive Physical Education.


Varsity Sports

Students in 7th grade and above at Boston Green Academy are able to participate in varsity sports. During the Fall students can play football, boys and girls soccer, girls volleyball and cheerlead in conjunction with Brighton High. During the winter season BGA hosts the Boston United boys and girls basketball teams. Students can also run indoor track at Brighton High. During the spring students can participate in outdoor track, baseball and softball at Brighton High. Most of the teams that BGA students have access to have limited cuts, and players with limited experience are welcome to learn something new.


To be eligible to participate a student must have a 2.0 GPA and 93% daily attendance.


The 2018-2019 athletics paperwork, including important dates, is here.


Middle School Basketball

Stay tuned for more information!


Intramural Sports

BGA’s Scholar Athletes runs three intramural programs per year on Wednesdays from 12:30-3:00pm. This year our fall sport will be basketball, winter will be soccer and spring will be We Are Fit (emphasizing improved fitness level and overall well being). Intramural programs are co-ed, and open to all students regardless of academic performance. In addition to playing in Wednesday games intramural athletes have access to one-on-one tutoring, scholarship opportunities, progress report conferencing, and NCAA workshops.


Physical Education

The Physical Education Program at Boston Green Academy is designed to teach students the skills and knowledge necessary to become life-long participants in physical activity.  During class students will be exposed to a variety of ways of being active, some familiar and some unfamiliar. Over the course of the quarter students will learn about team sports, individual sports, group problem solving, and fitness skills.


All students in middle school receive Physical Education daily for one trimester of the year. Physical Education is also offered to some high school students as an elective option.



BOKS is a drop in physical activity program that meets three mornings a week. During a typical session students will complete a warm-up activity, practice a fitness related skill and complete a group workout. Regular participants will have the opportunity to coach peers and lead workouts that they have designed. This year BOKS will meet on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:20 until 7:45 in the gym. BOKS is open to all BGA students, regardless of grade level.


100 Mile Walking Club

Stay tuned for more information!

For more information about varsity sports and Physical Education contact Nick Hildebidle, Physical Education teacher and Athletic Coordinator: email

For more information about the BSA and intramural sports contact Angelina Favaloro, Program Coordinator:  email or Daniel Rivera, Program Assistant: email

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (phone)

617-635-9858 (fax)

For more information, get in touch
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Boston Green Academy's National Green Ribbon School award from the U.S. Dept. of Education acknowledges our whole-school green & sustainable practices.

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