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After School Clubs & Out of School Opportunities

Boston Green Academy supports numerous activities for students, both during and after school. Below are some of the opportunities we offer for students:


ACE Mentors - 9-12 program for students interested in architecture, engineering, and construction

Anime Club - After school club to learn about anime, drawing anime, and connecting with others who love the art form

Art Club - After school visual arts opportunity

Artward Bound - Bringing local voices of color to the forefront of the art industry

Big Brothers Big Sisters- mentoring for middle and high school students

Bikes Not Bombs - A variety of after school programs that connect students with biking and employment pathways that use bikes

BPS City League Sports in partnership with Brighton High School- Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Football

Boston Cares - An agency that matches volunteers with people and organizations that need different kinds of assistance

Boston Nature Center - Outdoor programming at a wildlife sanctuary in Mattapan

Boston Talent Search - College and Career Planning 

Boys Basketball - Varsity, JV, and Intramural

Chica Project - Community program for women of color ages 14-18. The program runs from October - June

Community Rowing - Charles River Rowing programs for students aged 12-19

Debate Team - BGA participates in the Boston Debate League, one of the largest academic competitions in the city of Boston.

Eco Rise - Sustainability programs for students

Emerson Writes - Writing program for high school students

Franklin Park Zoo - Teen programs/ambassadorships and paid internship opportunities

​Girls Basketball - Varsity, JV, and Intramural

​G.L.A.M. & Girls in Action- Girls leadership groups

GSA - Gay Straight Alliance​

Homework Club - After-school academic support​

​International Service Learning Adventures - Community service culminating in an international trip during Project Week

Mathletes - Bringing math to the forefront and reinforcing the math is fun

Minds Matter - After school College Access program for first generation students

M.O.R.E. & Young Man with a Plan- Boys leadership groups

New England Aquarium - Teen programs for climate justice and internship opportunities

Outdoor Club - Service projects and overnight trips

PieRSquared - Individual math tutoring for students in grades 7-12. Virtual and in-person (when possible)

Private Industry Council- Internships and employment support

Roseway -  A summer sailing program through World Ocean School. Two weeks on a tall ship!

​Student Government

Summer Search - College Access program for first generation students

Teens in Print - After school Journalims program for Boston students in 8th-12th grades

Thompson Island Outward Bound - Outdoor Education programs

Upward Bound (Boston University)

West End House - After School services and college support

Writing Lab- tutors to support student writing after school

YES (Youth Enrichment Services) - Outdoor leadership training and experiences for students.

YMCA - Offers after school programs and clubs for grades 6 - 12

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (phone)

617-635-9858 (fax)

For more information, get in touch
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Giải thưởng Green Ribbon School quốc gia của BGA từ Bộ Giáo dục Hoa Kỳ cho các hoạt động bền vững và xanh toàn trường của chúng tôi.

Boston Green Academy's National Green Ribbon School award from the U.S. Dept. of Education acknowledges our whole-school green & sustainable practices.

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