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2023 School on the Move Finalist!

Each fall, the $100,000 School on the Move Prize recognizes some of the most improving Boston Public Schools. The Prize shines a light on those schools, leaders, and teachers who create and continuously improve learning environments where all students thrive.

We are thrilled to announce that, of the eight worthy semifinalists, BGA was selected as a finalist celebrated at the Prize Ceremony! This was truly the work of a village, and we thank our Community for the work and effort invested in our school throughout the years. Boston Green Academy is truly ready for a sustainable future, and we are excited to share our journey with you. We thank EdVestors for their interest in our school and for this wonderful recognition.

Check out BGA video profile at the Ceremony!


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Nossa missão

A Boston Green Academy acolhe diversos estudantes de todas as habilidades, educa e capacita-os a ter sucesso na faculdade e na carreira e os prepara para liderar a sustentabilidade de nossa comunidade e mundo.

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O prêmio nacional Green Ribbon School da BGA Estados Unidos Departamento de Educação dos EUA 

O prêmio National Green Ribbon School da Boston Green Academy do Departamento de Educação dos EUA reconhece nossas práticas verdes e sustentáveis em toda a escola.

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A Boston Green Academy não discrimina com base em raça, cor, origem nacional, sexo, identidade de gênero, etnia, orientação sexual, deficiência mental, idade, ascendência, desempenho atlético, necessidade especial, proficiência no idioma inglês ou no estrangeiro idioma ou desempenho acadêmico prévio.

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