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Boston Green Academy

Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year are now live.


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  • The application deadline is February 28, 2025. Our lottery will take place on March 8th at 4pm in our school's library.

  • For the 2025-2026 school year, Boston Green Academy will enroll a new 7th grade class and fill all seats in 8th,9th 10th and 11th grade. 

  • Boston Green Academy does not accept 12th graders

  • Come preview BGA on the following dates and times: 

    • Virtual:

      • November 26th - 5pm-6pm

      • January 9th - 5pm-6pm​

      • February 11th 5pm-6pm

Use the following link: tinyurl/bgaenroll

    • In-Person:

      • December 17th 5pm-7pm

      • January 28th 5pm-7pm

Apply today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Boston Green Academy Admissions

How do we enroll in BGA?

BGA does a lottery-based admission, we require an application to enroll. Please rank us in your school choice forms. To view our admission policy and application, click here.

I was offered a seat but I'm waiting to hear back from another school, what do I do?

Please accept the seat if you are interested in our school, we only give a two-week period to accept or decline offers. You can rescind your seat if you are accepted to another school. Please notify us if that happens.

How many seats are available?

We enroll a new 7th grade class every fall, offering approximately 100 seats. We typically offer 50 - 60 seats in our 9th Grade, and availability in other grades varies. Please contact Enrollment with questions.

Do you offer Substantially Separate / Inclusion?

We are a full-inclusion school. We have a Substantially Separate Program that has limited seats and our Learning for Independence Program for students with severe disabilities. If you are offered a seat, you are required to submit IEP and/or 504 Plans to ensure proper placement.

What time does School start?
Our school hours are 8am-­3pm every day except for Wednesdays, when all students are dismissed at 12pm. Classes begin promptly at 8am

How early can my student arrive and be granted access to the building?
School buses arrive at BGA by 7:15am. Students are welcomed to participate in the free “early bird” program at that time, to receive breakfast and supervision. All students in early bird program MUST stay in the cafeteria until classes start.

How can I keep track of my child’s grades/progress in class?
When school starts in September you will have access to our JUPITER program where you can log on and see how their grades are progressing.

How can I arrange a meeting with my child’s teacher(s) if I have a concern?
Every student will be assigned an advisor and he/she will help you arrange meetings with teachers.

Are uniforms mandatory school wide?

All Middle School students are required to wear a uniform each day. Our uniform policy helps build a cohesive, unified team and aims to reduce the stress on the student and family when deciding what outfit is appropriate for school. We will have occasional dress down days on which students may express themselves freely and appropriately. Please refer to the BGA Student and Family Handbook for more detail.

Where are the High School students?
BGA is a 7-­12 school. Our high school and middle school students enter the building together at the front door but take classes on separate sides of the building. They also have separate assembly dates and class bell schedules.

Is there recess?
Yes! All middle school students receive weekly recess/movement opportunities. In bad weather there is indoor recess.

What kind of MCAS supports does BGA offer?
We are delighted to be partnering with West End House, a neighboring organization that provides homework support, among other forms of important academic and social supports.

Will BGA students have access to after school programming?
Yes! BGA partners with the West End Boys and Girls club in Brighton, a short walk from school. At a very low yearly cost, your student will receive dinner, homework help and choice of fun activities to do. You can contact them at 617-­787-­4044 for more information.

Click here for directions to BGA


Contact our admissions office at or call 857-891-1742

As vagas para o ano letivo 2022-2023 são limitadas.

Envie um e-mail para 

para perguntas sobre o status da sua lista de espera, disponibilidade de vagas por série e outras consultas de inscrição.


Rua Warren 20
Brighton, MA 02135
617-635-9860 (telefone)
617-635-9858 (fax)

Para informação,entre em contato aqui
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Nossa missão

A Boston Green Academy acolhe diversos estudantes de todas as habilidades, educa e capacita-os a ter sucesso na faculdade e na carreira e os prepara para liderar a sustentabilidade de nossa comunidade e mundo.

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O prêmio nacional Green Ribbon School da BGA Estados Unidos Departamento de Educação dos EUA 

O prêmio National Green Ribbon School da Boston Green Academy do Departamento de Educação dos EUA reconhece nossas práticas verdes e sustentáveis em toda a escola.

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A Boston Green Academy não discrimina com base em raça, cor, origem nacional, sexo, identidade de gênero, etnia, orientação sexual, deficiência mental, idade, ascendência, desempenho atlético, necessidade especial, proficiência no idioma inglês ou no estrangeiro idioma ou desempenho acadêmico prévio.

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