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Pi lwen paseAkademisyen


BGA ofri yon varyete kou akademik ak anrichisman nan tout lekòl mwayen ak segondè. Elèv yo gen altènatif pou enskri nan yon varyete kou ki konplete eksperyans aprantisaj yo. Soti nan klas mizik, rive nan art pèfòmans ak edikasyon fizik, gradye Green nou yo fè eksperyans tèt yo kòm yon antye pandan tan yo nan BGA.


Middle School students explore a variety of enrichment classes that include Music, Performing Arts, Physical Education

Pou òf akademik yo
espesifik pou chak nivo klas,

klike sou chak nivo klas ki anba a.

High School students build on their experience as "middle-schoolers". Music, Performing Arts, Makerspace, Physical Education Additional opportunities are available to 11th and 12th grade students through junior or senior seminars, which are special topics clubs that meet 1-2 times per week. Some special topic examples include chorus or singing, step dance, or ukulele.

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