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Traneal Holloman Rodgers - PE/Health Teacher 6-12
(She, Her, Hers)

Born and raised in Boston, MA. Graduated from Waltham High School, Class of 1996! Attended Framingham State College, Urban College of Boston, Springfield College School of Human Services, and UMASS Boston. Achieved a Masters Degree in Education through the Boston Teacher Residency Program and UMASS Boston. Completed my teaching practicum at the Edison Middle School, in Brighton, from 2007-2008. I taught my first three years at The Engineering School in the Hyde Park Education Complex from 2008-2011. In July 2011, I joined the founding team of educators who started the first year of Boston Green Academy. We were housed in the South Boston Education Complex for our first three years before transitioning into the Taft Building in Brighton, MA. I have been a Math & Special Education Teacher for 15 years. Currently, I am entering my 16th year in education and have decided to transition from teaching math into the field of Physical Education (PE). I look forward to helping our BGA community achieve wellness and healthy practices. Second to teaching, I coach athletics in the sport of basketball and cheerleading. I was the Head Cheer Coach for South Boston Knights from 2012-2015 and I am currently an Asst Coach for the Brighton Bengals Cheer Squad. Last year, we WON the Boston City Cheer Championship !!! I have been coaching girls basketball for about 10 years. I am currently the Head Coach of our Boston United Girls Basketball team, which is a Coop program with our partner schools, Mary Lyon & Josiah Quincy. Last year, we made great progress and placed in the 2023 MIAA State Tournament. Additionally, I lead a girls group called GIA (Girls In Action). My family is extremely important to me. I love hanging out with them, laughing, joking, and sharing joy! My hobbies include working out/going to gym, dancing, competing in various events, playing sports, and engaging with youth and contributing to my community.