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Graduation Requirements
The following graduation requirements apply to the Class of 2023
In order to graduate, all students must pass:
4 Core Science:
Environmental Science
4 Core Humanities
Humanities 1
Humanities 2
Humanities 3
Humanities 4
2 World Language
World Language 1 (Spanish 1)*
World Language 2 (Spanish 2)*
4 Core English Language Arts
ELA 10
ELA 11 OR AP Language
ELA 12 OR AP Literature
4 Core Math
Algebra (Integrated Math I)
Geometry (Integrated Math II)
Advanced Algebra
Pre-Calculus or AP Stats
*Can be waived for CTE/ESL/Special Education students on a case-by-case basis.
Additionally, all students are required to be scheduled for, and successfully complete the following courses between grades 9-12:
Physical Education
High School Career Development
Other graduation requirements:
Junior Review
Senior Internship
Community Service – 40 hours
Pass Science, ELA and Math MCAS
Graduation Ceremony Policy
Graduation from high school is a very important and special occasion. Boston Green Academy honors our graduates with formal ceremonies during which we present diplomas, scholarships, and other recognitions. Only those students who have met all BGA high school promotion requirements and met the state's Competency Determination requirements for ELA, math, and science & technology/engineering MCAS tests may participate in high school graduation exercises and receive a diploma.
Students who have not met graduation requirements may not participate in the graduation ceremony in any way. This includes not meeting internship, community service or portfolio requirements.
There are two exceptions to this policy:
Special education students with significant disabilities who are 22 years old and exiting high school based on their age and attainment of IEP goals will receive a Certificate of Achievement and are permitted to participate.
Other students who meet all of the requirements below may participate:
a. Student has no more than nine unexcused absences in the current school year (95% attendance)
b. Student has taken the MCAS exam at least three times in each subject which the student didn’t pass, and has submitted at least two appeals (cohort and portfolio)
c. Student has met all BGA graduation requirements and is both a student in good academic standing and a student without significant incidents of misconduct.
Promotion/Retention Policy
Promotion/Retention decisions at the high school level (grades 9-11) are made based primarily upon the student’s progress towards completing the BPS and BGA graduation requirements. Efforts are made to move students forward, but if the student falls too far off track, and is in need of making up an entire year’s worth of academic courses as of the start of the school year, he/she will be retained in their grade level.
If a Core course(s) (those required for graduation) is failed, it must be made up in BPS summer school or BPS Night School (Twilight).