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متعلمي اللغة الانجليزية
معلومات للطلاب والعائلات للعام الدراسي 2024-2025
تدعم أكاديمية بوسطن جرين متعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية بعدة طرق. بدءًا من مجموعات الدعم وحتى التجمعات المحددة والأنشطة الطلابية، يتم تشجيع متعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية لدينا على الاستفادة الكاملة من كل ما تقدمه أكاديمية بوسطن جرين.

Initial Identification
Initial identification of students is done by the Boston Public Schools at a BPS Welcome Center as students enroll in the District. This includes the administration of the home language survey and the availability of such in multiple languages.
Progress Assessment Procedures
Through the use of teacher based assessments, classroom observations and Access exam results, ELL teachers identify the specific learning domains challenging individual students and establish personalized goals for attaining English proficiency. Our high school and middle school ESL teachers keep a running document monitoring student performance. The document is updated twice a year and includes test scores, teacher observations, and individual goals. Please contact your teacher for details.
Parent Engagement/Involvement
BGA is proud to have so many families actively engaged in the education of their students and the operation of our school. Some of the opportunities are listed below:
BGA Board of Trustees - Family members and members of the public are invited to attend all BGA Board of Trustees meetings. More information can be found here.
BGA Family Council - families are encouraged to attend any and all meetings of this active organization. Details can be found here.
BPS DELAC - the District English Learner Parent Advisory Council is open to all BGA family members. Parents can attend in person meetings or on zoom and there are also meetings separated by language. Meetings are scheduled once a month.More information on this opportunity can be found here.
ELPAC - Is specific to BGA. For more information, please email our Family Liaison, Bruny Velez at:
Service Delivery
ML students with a score ELD 1 or 2 on Access receive a minimum of 2 hours of direct ESL instruction a day and do not take an ELA class.
ML students who score an ELD 3 receive 1 hour of direct ESL instruction in addition to an ELA class.
ML students who score an ELD 4 or higher take an ELA or Humanities class with a dual licensed teacher in ESL and the core content class.
All documentation for students and families sent by BGA are sent in English and the primary language spoken in the home. If you do not receive documents in the appropriate language, please inform us as soon as possible and translated materials will be made available as soon as possible. BGA also has interpretation services available for over the phone or in person meetings upon request.
Opt Out
In rare circumstances, a parent/guardian would prefer that their student not receive ESL services. This could be because of an interest in an academic focus other than ESL or because a clerical error resulted in your students designation as an English Language Learner. In either case, the opt out policy requires the parent/guardian to submit the opt-out request in writing. This could be done in an email to Mia Lefkowitz, Upper School ( or Sadie Farnsworth, Lower School ( An opt-out would stop the ESL services given based on ELD level. However, a student who is opted out will still be required to take ACCESS testing annually. In addition, an opt-out is only good for a single academic year. If the parent/guardian/student chose to opt-out again, they would need to submit documentation of such.
Exit Policy and Procedures
The exit policy for ELL students within BPS are as follows:
Any student who scores a composite score of 6.0 Access exam should no longer be classified as EL.
Students who attain an Overall composite level of at least 4.2 with a Literacy composite level of a least 3.9 on ACCESS may be eligible to achieve FLEP status on a case by case basis. Considerations for achieving a FLEP reclassification include.
MCAS scores and other district determined measures
Academic grades
Teacher created assessments
Teacher observations and recommendations.
Any proposed change to a students LEP code that is greater or less than 1 ELD level from their Access score must ultimately be approved by OEL via the LEP Code Change Request Form.
The procedures for reclassifying an ELL student are as follows:
All reclassifications are input into ASPEN (Any proposed change to a students LEP code that is greater or less than 1 ELD level from their Access score must ultimately be approved by OEL via the LEP Code Change Request Form).
Parents/guardians are notified of changes
School/district records are updated
Students are monitored by LATF via BPS monitoring form two times a year for four years to ensure that they are successful in mainstream classrooms.
If a former ELL student fails to make progress as determined by the monitoring team he/she may return to ELL status.