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كاتونيا جاينز - عاملة اجتماعية في مجال التعليم الخاص من سن 6 إلى 12 عامًا
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Ms. Gaines is the Special Education Social Worker for grades 6-12 at BGA. Prior to joining BGA she held many position within Boston Public Schools and the City of Boston. She gained experience as a Guidance Counselor for an alternative high school in Boston, as a therapist providing counseling treatment to all age groups. Her expertise includes child and family interventions, mental health, crisis intervention, substance abuse, trauma informed care, and mediation to name a few. Ms. Gaines earned her Bachelors in Arts from UMASS Boston, her Master’s in Education Guidance Counseling from Cambridge College, and her Master’s in Social Work with a Trauma Focus from Salem State University.